The Bitter Truth is that the guy who runs Abercrombie and Fitch is a massive Douche bag. But he also has the right to be.
CEO Mike Jeffries (he's the pale botched plastic surgery looking dude seen here) was quoted as saying: "In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids. Candidly, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don't belong [in our clothes], and they can't belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely. Those companies that are in trouble are trying to target everybody: young, old, fat, skinny. But then you become totally vanilla. You don't alienate, but you don't excite."
That's right FAT ASS, Abercrombie doesn't make clothes for you. Or me. And fat people are all up in arms. Shocking?! Tubby please. Look the place has always been about young and in shape people. Their homo erotic ad campaigns feature shirtless guys with more six packs than a giant liquor warehouse. Zing! They have never welcomed anyone apart from the young and pretty or those who pretend to be. Most people I know have never shopped at A&F, I know I haven't. Even 20 years and 35 pounds ago I didn't buy their clothes. They always struck me as overpriced GAP or Banana Republic knock offs. Their stores were always full of shirtless guys and sad older woman. Now known as "Cougars." I never had the desire to walk around shirtless showing off my abs. I never had them but we're getting off the point here.
So Melted Faced Mike hates fat people. And it's fine. Because in America when you own a business and you create a product you should be able to decide who your consumer base is. No mind you, you can't do that if it spreads hate. Maybe we need someone to regulate what people wear? Especially now that fashion critic Mr. Blackwell is dead. Almost everyday in L.A. I see skinny woman dressed in youthful tight fitting attire. From behind they resemble college freshman. Then they turn around and you realize that "Hot Young Thing" is actually 85 years old! She looks like the Crypt Keeper in yoga pants! Yikes!
The same goes for the fat ladies in belly shirts and Juicy sweat pants. If the material is stretched out so far your ass reads JJJJJJJJJJUUUUUUUUUIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCY then you need to re-think your wardrobe. Think Pink? How about think about getting to Weight Watchers? I'm not perfect. I actually eating cereal while typing this (and it's the middle of the night) But we all need to learn to dress our age (and weight.) And even though Abercrombie doesn't want fat people to shop at their stores, they have a right to make clothes not for you. Just like you have the right to continue not to shop there and that's the Bitter Truth.
CEO Mike Jeffries (he's the pale botched plastic surgery looking dude seen here) was quoted as saying: "In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids. Candidly, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don't belong [in our clothes], and they can't belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely. Those companies that are in trouble are trying to target everybody: young, old, fat, skinny. But then you become totally vanilla. You don't alienate, but you don't excite."
That's right FAT ASS, Abercrombie doesn't make clothes for you. Or me. And fat people are all up in arms. Shocking?! Tubby please. Look the place has always been about young and in shape people. Their homo erotic ad campaigns feature shirtless guys with more six packs than a giant liquor warehouse. Zing! They have never welcomed anyone apart from the young and pretty or those who pretend to be. Most people I know have never shopped at A&F, I know I haven't. Even 20 years and 35 pounds ago I didn't buy their clothes. They always struck me as overpriced GAP or Banana Republic knock offs. Their stores were always full of shirtless guys and sad older woman. Now known as "Cougars." I never had the desire to walk around shirtless showing off my abs. I never had them but we're getting off the point here.
So Melted Faced Mike hates fat people. And it's fine. Because in America when you own a business and you create a product you should be able to decide who your consumer base is. No mind you, you can't do that if it spreads hate. Maybe we need someone to regulate what people wear? Especially now that fashion critic Mr. Blackwell is dead. Almost everyday in L.A. I see skinny woman dressed in youthful tight fitting attire. From behind they resemble college freshman. Then they turn around and you realize that "Hot Young Thing" is actually 85 years old! She looks like the Crypt Keeper in yoga pants! Yikes!
The same goes for the fat ladies in belly shirts and Juicy sweat pants. If the material is stretched out so far your ass reads JJJJJJJJJJUUUUUUUUUIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCY then you need to re-think your wardrobe. Think Pink? How about think about getting to Weight Watchers? I'm not perfect. I actually eating cereal while typing this (and it's the middle of the night) But we all need to learn to dress our age (and weight.) And even though Abercrombie doesn't want fat people to shop at their stores, they have a right to make clothes not for you. Just like you have the right to continue not to shop there and that's the Bitter Truth.