"The Biggest Loser" is a TV show where really obese folks battle to see who can lose the most weight. The Bitter Truth is the biggest loser is the person who DVRs "The Biggest Loser."
The Bitter Truth is trading 5 known terrorists for one soldier seems like a bad deal. I'm sort of an eye for an eye. Why not guy for a guy? They get 5 criminals we should get five of our guys back. Especailly since the one we got is at worst a deserter and at best a dumb ass who cost at least 6 other soldiers their lives. But I'm not political.
The Bitter Truth is a "Long Weekend" is even longer when it involves kids. And it is excruciating when it involves sick kids. To someone like me who is usually "Under Employed" and currently sans job, a "Long Weekend" is just more days where you try NOT to spend any money. It's something to dread. Not celebrate.
The Bitter Truth is I can probably outrun the zombies in most zombie movies. Not the fast as hell kind form "World War Z" but any zombies from classic films by George Romero. The kind that seem to drag half their paralyzed body (ala Bob Dole) in search of brains.
The Bitter Truth is that people who have fuzzy dice hanging from the rear view mirror of their cars are rarely lucky. Anyone who addresses me as "MY Friend" that I have never met before is not my friend. And I'm not interested in buying anything out of the truck of your car in Target's parking lot. Oh and the unibrow? Only one dude has ever rocked that thing. Dweezil Zappa. Otherwise you all need to tweeze. And that's the Bitter Truth.