The Bitter Truth is that family trips are rarely "Fun For The WHOLE Family." For most parents get a raw deal. You spend so much time making sure your kids have a great time (that they will remember for the rest of their lives) that you end up tired and stressed. You have to drive and hours behind the wheel listening to the songs your kids dig played over and over again is painful. Thankfully my kids have moved on from the kiddie songs like "Wheels On The Bus" and "Row Row Your Boat." But I ask, is hearing "I Don't Care" by Icona Pop 15 times in a row that much better?
This summer will test my meddle. I'm not working, and can't afford to put the kids in camp (because I'm not working) so the summer of 2013 is on me. I have to plan FUN every day. "KAMP KEITH" has so far taken the kids to Palm Springs, Hearst Castle, Knott's Bery Farm, to see "Monster's University," Universal City Walk, and i-Phone shopping. Up next? Bowling and Disneyland.
And that is just the first week! How will I keep them from saying "Dad, I'm bored!" for the next 2 plus months? I have no idea. With limited cash to spend and temps expected in the high 90s it will be rough. I'm open to ideas. Whatever we do I know there will be moments of failure and pure exhaustion. I also hope there will be moments of joy and celebrations. Because Family Fun is work for me, and any parents that try to make something special of the summer. I love my kids but Family Fun for me involves my couch, old TV shows and a Del's Lemonade and that's The Bitter Truth.
This summer will test my meddle. I'm not working, and can't afford to put the kids in camp (because I'm not working) so the summer of 2013 is on me. I have to plan FUN every day. "KAMP KEITH" has so far taken the kids to Palm Springs, Hearst Castle, Knott's Bery Farm, to see "Monster's University," Universal City Walk, and i-Phone shopping. Up next? Bowling and Disneyland.
And that is just the first week! How will I keep them from saying "Dad, I'm bored!" for the next 2 plus months? I have no idea. With limited cash to spend and temps expected in the high 90s it will be rough. I'm open to ideas. Whatever we do I know there will be moments of failure and pure exhaustion. I also hope there will be moments of joy and celebrations. Because Family Fun is work for me, and any parents that try to make something special of the summer. I love my kids but Family Fun for me involves my couch, old TV shows and a Del's Lemonade and that's The Bitter Truth.