The Bitter Truth is that New York City Mayor Bloomberg has lost his damn mind. Seriously snapped. First he tried to ban the sale of soft drinks over a 16 ounces. Doesn't he know that if we can only get 16 ounces we will only go for a free refill or buy two? I don't deny that the mayor's heart is in the right place. After all Americans are fatter than ever and diabetes is on the rise. But you can't stop American's right to "Freedom Of Choice."
This morning Bloomberg brought his control manifesto to a whole new level by announcing he wants to restrict the sale of cigarettes by hiding them. Bloomberg's new plan is that cigarettes must be not visible to possible buyers. They must be stored in cabinets or behind curtains. Guess he figures the antiquated "Out Of Sight Out Of Mind" plan will work. This new hidden smokes idea partnered with the soda ban say one thing to me-- Bloomberg is "Outta Touch and Out Of His Mind."
Yes, smoking is bad. And yes we have to do every thing in our power to keep our kids from every trying cigarettes. But placing them behind a curtain will not stop folks from buying them. (This ain't OZ.). Talking to our kids, showing them pictures of lungs riddled with cancer and making them watch those horrible commercials with cancer patients talking though holes in their throats will. It's my job as a dad to make sure my kids don't smoke. Not the Mayor's.
Mike, can I call you Mike? No. Okay Mr. Mayor, although you mean well it's not your job to treat the people of your city like slow children. Being an American means we have the right to decide what we put into our bodies. Within the limits of the law and common decency we can make our own choices. We don't need you or the government to regulate our every decision, bad or good. If we let you control our soda intake and hide our smokes what else will you want to take over? How about mandatory sterilization for ugly and poor people. That way we can create a master race of beautiful perfect people. Would that work for you Bloomy? That's right I just compared Bloomberg to Hitler. No?
Sorry Bloomy, your the mayor, not the dictator, or the parent and that's The Bitter Truth.
This morning Bloomberg brought his control manifesto to a whole new level by announcing he wants to restrict the sale of cigarettes by hiding them. Bloomberg's new plan is that cigarettes must be not visible to possible buyers. They must be stored in cabinets or behind curtains. Guess he figures the antiquated "Out Of Sight Out Of Mind" plan will work. This new hidden smokes idea partnered with the soda ban say one thing to me-- Bloomberg is "Outta Touch and Out Of His Mind."
Yes, smoking is bad. And yes we have to do every thing in our power to keep our kids from every trying cigarettes. But placing them behind a curtain will not stop folks from buying them. (This ain't OZ.). Talking to our kids, showing them pictures of lungs riddled with cancer and making them watch those horrible commercials with cancer patients talking though holes in their throats will. It's my job as a dad to make sure my kids don't smoke. Not the Mayor's.
Mike, can I call you Mike? No. Okay Mr. Mayor, although you mean well it's not your job to treat the people of your city like slow children. Being an American means we have the right to decide what we put into our bodies. Within the limits of the law and common decency we can make our own choices. We don't need you or the government to regulate our every decision, bad or good. If we let you control our soda intake and hide our smokes what else will you want to take over? How about mandatory sterilization for ugly and poor people. That way we can create a master race of beautiful perfect people. Would that work for you Bloomy? That's right I just compared Bloomberg to Hitler. No?
Sorry Bloomy, your the mayor, not the dictator, or the parent and that's The Bitter Truth.