The Bitter Truth is the FAA's new plan to allow pocket knifes on planes is a stupid move, that is sure to unleash tragedy. The new proposal states that if they could allow small folding pocket knifes on domestic flights they could better focus their attention on bigger possible "Terrorist" issues. Did everyone forget that the 911 terrorists used box cutters to attack the flight crew and take over the planes that they then crashed into the World Trade Center, Pentagon and field in Pennsylvania? Box cutters have shorter blades than an average pocket knife. A knife can easy be used to slash and kill. Do we really want potential weapons making their way back on planes.
Instead of allowing knifes how about we got back to the time when I could actually bring a bottle of water, not purchased in the airport for 10 times it's retail value, on the plane. How about we bring back smiles on the faces of stewardesses. Hell let's bring back Stewardesses (Not air hosts as they are called now.) Bring back leg room. There was a time when your knees wouldn't be smack dab against the ass of the person sitting in the seat in front of you. Separately only by a thin layer of dirty seat cushioning. There are so many things I would rather see on a plane than an item, like a pocket knife, that placed in the wrong hands has the ability to maim and kill both air personal and travelers alike. If we allow them than why not baseball bats, hockey sticks and archery equipment? Why? Because sadly, no one can be trusted. NO ONE! Every air traveler is a potential terrorist or at the least able to snap due to air rage.
The old advertising slogan "Fly The Friendly Skies" no longer applies. The skies are now full of possible enemy combatants and a whole lot of hostile travelers jammed full of frustrated anger. Flying is now a task and a chore and there is no need to make it more anxious by letting travelers bring their pocket knifes along and that's The Bitter Truth.
Instead of allowing knifes how about we got back to the time when I could actually bring a bottle of water, not purchased in the airport for 10 times it's retail value, on the plane. How about we bring back smiles on the faces of stewardesses. Hell let's bring back Stewardesses (Not air hosts as they are called now.) Bring back leg room. There was a time when your knees wouldn't be smack dab against the ass of the person sitting in the seat in front of you. Separately only by a thin layer of dirty seat cushioning. There are so many things I would rather see on a plane than an item, like a pocket knife, that placed in the wrong hands has the ability to maim and kill both air personal and travelers alike. If we allow them than why not baseball bats, hockey sticks and archery equipment? Why? Because sadly, no one can be trusted. NO ONE! Every air traveler is a potential terrorist or at the least able to snap due to air rage.
The old advertising slogan "Fly The Friendly Skies" no longer applies. The skies are now full of possible enemy combatants and a whole lot of hostile travelers jammed full of frustrated anger. Flying is now a task and a chore and there is no need to make it more anxious by letting travelers bring their pocket knifes along and that's The Bitter Truth.