The Bitter Truth is kids ruin your sex life. Or they at least put a major cramp in your style. Remember how wild your sex life was before you were blessed with the pitter patter of little feet? The multiple uses for every horizontal surface in your home? The costumes? The animal screams of passion echoing through every room of your home? Yes! Yes! Oh God, YES! No? You don't? Maybe you married the wrong person. Divorce for you won't be easy, or cheap, but remember what they say: "Why is divorce so expensive? Because it's worth it!" Or you can stay in your loveless (and sexless union.) Not me. You.
Let's get back to sex. Married sex is a lot of like teenage sex--rushed, hidden and frustrating. It often happens in dark, confined spaces at odd times. It ain't the best sex you've ever had, but hell it's sex. The ultimate expression of love.
The biggest challenge of married sex is not getting caught. (Again like high school sex.) Because if your kids catch you in the act no amount of therapy is going to erase that shock. You can't explain it away. "Daddy was just hugging mommy." Yeah right. Kids are smarter today.
When oyu have kids you have to keep things on the DL (Dwon Low Duh?) and work extra hard to keep that spark alive. It's worth it. Then again there is always divorce, which may be right for you, not me and that's The Bitter Truth
Let's get back to sex. Married sex is a lot of like teenage sex--rushed, hidden and frustrating. It often happens in dark, confined spaces at odd times. It ain't the best sex you've ever had, but hell it's sex. The ultimate expression of love.
The biggest challenge of married sex is not getting caught. (Again like high school sex.) Because if your kids catch you in the act no amount of therapy is going to erase that shock. You can't explain it away. "Daddy was just hugging mommy." Yeah right. Kids are smarter today.
When oyu have kids you have to keep things on the DL (Dwon Low Duh?) and work extra hard to keep that spark alive. It's worth it. Then again there is always divorce, which may be right for you, not me and that's The Bitter Truth